Jackass Rock Summit - California Mountain Peak Information
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Jackass Rock is a mountain summit in Madera County in the state of California (CA). Jackass Rock climbs to 6,860 feet (2,090.93 meters) above sea level. Jackass Rock is located at latitude - longitude coordinates (also called lat - long coordinates or GPS coordinates) of N 37.432778 and W -119.300833.
Anyone attempting to climb Jackass Rock and reach the summit should look for detailed information on the Jackass Rock area in the topographic map (topo map) and the Piyau Dome USGS quad. To hike and explore the California outdoors near Jackass Rock, check the list of nearby trails.
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Peak Type: Summit
Latitude: 37.432778
Longitue: -119.300833
Peak Elevation: 6,860 feet (2,090.93 m)
Nearest City: Mono Hot Springs (14.6 miles away)
Now I give this information for those that may want to go see one the most beautiful places I have been to. And YES, I hiked to the top! And No, it was not easy!
What a beautiful day! We started out on the trail about 11 in the morning. It took about 2 hours to make it up to where we stopped for lunch.
When we got to the top, we took pictures and then together sang "High On A Mountain Top." The spirit was so strong. Some the girls make the comment about how temples used to be on the mountain tops, and wasn't that where God talked to his prophets?
The whole climb up was a wonderful experience to have girls who usually hang back in a crowd, step up and help each other by supporting others feet so as not to slip on the granite, and here, step on my knee to get to the next rock. Here, grab my hand I will pull you up. Then the most incredable moment was the crevas. The pictures just don't show you how scarry it really is. It looks like a little jump, but its not. Girls strattled the crevas and helped to swing others across. A few girls were really scared and one girl got into the crevas to have the girls walk across her back like a bridge, having the other girls swing them across.
The love for each other was incredible. There is no way to put into words the spirt that was there.
I am so Thankful for the opportunity that I had to go on this hike with the girls.
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