Christmas at home this year! I am so blessed to have had the family together this year!Christmas was spent caroling with friends, making egg rolls and watching movies with my family! LOVED IT! (It was really hard to get these pictures and these were the only pictures I was able to get!)

This year I made blankets for everyone. Well, Klaira made her's back at Thanksgiving and it gave me the idea to put one together for everyone so we could all be warm on Christmas morning. (Colton was being a stinker!)

Ok, lets try it again! Come on Colton! Mommy wants a nice picture! Oh well....

So this year has been big changes for Coqui. After 3 1/2 years of being married to Derek, she found that he was not the eternal companion that she needed him to be. She filed for divorce (it will be final next month) got a new place to live, a new job and now is finding out who she wants to be. She says that she is happy now!

Keana and AJ are living in Merced which is only an hour from us! AJ is now working for a lumber group, but he has a weird schedule. Kea is still looking for a job and has learned that it is hard to find a job in a college town. All the college kids have the jobs. They had to give up their animals to be able to live in the new apartment. This has been really hard on Kea since she really loves animals.

Colton doesn't like having his picture taken by me for some reason...Colton is a student at ITT focusing on Drafting and Design. He just got a job with U-haul and is really busy with friends and dirt bike riding. He has a really cute girl friend this year that we all like! (Yea Jody!)

Klaira is so incredibly busy with 2 choirs, drama, school and church! She is really looking forward to getting her drivers licence this year so she doesn't have to wait for me to pick her up for all her activities. She has found that she loves ATV's and can't wait to get back up to the Ranch in Idaho!

Silly Jeff! It is hard to get a picture of this guy without him crackin up! Jeff is unemployed! NOOOOO! Well, this has been a good and bad thing. I am LOVING having him home. He has been such a great support with everything that I have been busy with the past few weeks! The bad part is that no money is coming in! The good part is that he is doing some things that he has wanted to do but has not had the time. (Yep, he is finally taking flying lessons!!!!)
Sorry, no pictures of me...(Which is really ok with me since I am growing my hair out and look like a left over of the group Wilson Phillips!)
I am so busy with so many different things(work, wood signs, nursery, chasing Klair...) that I am thinking that it is time to start clearing off my plate. I want to take some classes this year, try some different things. I will just have to see what this new year brings.
We have been blessed to have been able to stay in the same house for 2 years now! Amazing! We love where we are and love the people in our lives! We are blessed with good friends and great family! We miss having family so far but love the updates we get in emails and facebook! is my serious face...
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