So many other note worthy things have happened in the past few weeks, and I should write about them, but is Mothers Day.
For those that love Mothers Day, I say, "READ NO FURTHER!!!"
Here we go...
Mother's Day is a socialistic ploy to get us to spend money we don't have to make OURSELVES feel better for ignoring our mothers all year long! Every day should be mothers day! Now if you are someone who gives attention to your mother without society telling you to, on a regular time frame, then I have no problem with you telling your mother once again, how wonderful she is. I usually don't even go to church on Mother's Day because it is a weepy "ode" to the best mom in the world, and once again, I have failed! (Please don't get me wrong, this Sunday I heard about a wonderful woman that I love and adore and I think the world of and I love that her husband can share how wonderful she is to all of us...and I am so lucky to be able to call her my friend!)
If I was not nursery leader, I would not have gone today.
I appreciate the men taking over for me, but I don't appreciate the men thinking that I can't let go...OH, I can let go! (I am headed into a rant here so if you want to go take a potty break and come back after...this is a good time...)
I have 13 precious little ones in the nursery. Several of them really need structure. Several of them are "Klingons" that will not let go of mom unless one of us ladies hug them for a minute and let them know that everything is OK and we get them into the nursery routine and then they are fine. Now, to have well intentional, wonderful men tell me that they will physically pull me out if they have to just makes me boil. I know that they can do the job, that is not my worry. But these men do not spend every Sunday with these kids and don't know who needs a little extra TLC for a minute so that their mothers CAN leave to go to class. I had every intention of leaving and letting the men take over class, I was happy to have them there..I love having them in EVERY Sunday, but don't tell me when to go!!!! Let me take care of the children so that next week I will not have to do damage controll!
I am feeling better.
(You can come back in now..)
Today was cold and a bit windy...
(AND yes, I get my feelings for Mother's Day from MY MOM! LOVE THAT WOMAN!)
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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