Monday, July 15, 2013

July 15

Wow! Today was a long day. I had three appointments with three different groups. Genetics, surgeon, pulmonary. I am going to make this a really quick update and then come back and fill in better. may be confusing.. Genetics:Medi-Cal denied testing,(Why we don't know) but the doc is going to with info we found out in the next appointment, pretty sure it will go through but don't know how long it will take. Surgeon:Ok, hold on..don't freak out yet..the mass in my lungs is cancer. Not related to the breast cancer. It is called a Carcinoid and can show up anywhere in the body and where it landed is probably the best place it could land. It is in the middle lung airway. We thought it was on the outside of the air way but it is covering it. What is weird is that I can still breath fine and the lung is passing air fine. I will learn more about it later. Pulmonary: They said that this is SOOOO slow growing, it has been there for some time, probably years! It will not conflict with the breast cancer and they think I should go ahead with the breast first and then come back to this one. On Monday nights, all the heads of departments come together and have a big meeting going over all the important charts. Mine just happens to be one of the really important ones. They will have a big discussion about me and then tomorrow I will get a call telling me what they recommend my path of distruction/healing they recommend. Again it is a hurry and wait. I will have to update more later... I'M OK!!!!

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